Read Marriage Relationship and Peace of Mind INTRODUCTIN: Are you thinking of getting marry? If you are, then you need to test yourself with this writeups. As a married person, this write up is God's gift to you through me. It will guide you on things to do before settling down or tying the nut with someone. Its forever right? Alright! read on. 1 . Why do I want to get marry? Pray about it and ask married people why they got married. If you got the answer please move to section two. 2. What do I want from the marriage? What ever you want from a marriage is not wrong, because it's your choice to make. Since you know what you want, read on. 3. Does the person, man or woman I want to marry, have what I want? You need to pray to your creator and investigate he or she to know their capability. If your findings are positive move to next line. 4. How long do I want to date or do courtship? Some people like short term while others like long term courtship which is 6 mont...
THIS IS HOW GODLY CHRISTIANS CAN CONVERT THE WORLD How come the world is still not a better place? if there are Christians and believers in God?. Let's say there are 10 people in the world, out of the 10 we have 2 to be Godly/Christians. Take 2 out of 10 you have 8 left. The 2 are suppose to convert 2 more. Hence 2 and 2 equals 4 Godly/Christian people out of 10. Now if the 4 remained faithful we will have 6 worldly people. let's say the 2 new converts bear fruit and win 2 more souls, it becomes 4 and 2 which equals 6. Therefore, if Godly/Christians continues the convert and remains faithful we will surely have all the 10 people to be Godly/Christians. But you and I knows this is not so! Because the devil has his own souls too. Hence if there are 4 Godly/Christians and 6 worldly people, the world cannot be a better place. Does it also mean that the 4 are lazy or are hypocrites? Therefore if the world must be a better plac...
MARRIAGE, RELATIONSHIP AND PEACE OF MIND . Relationship is something everyone loves to have. A woman and a man wants to be loved and be cared for. According to Don Williams; "what makes a person Happy is who you love and who loves you...Not wealth or status" when a man and a woman founds and loves each other, this brings real happiness and peace of mind. Many people can testify to this. Because I have heard positive words like; a ) "love is sweet with the right person" b ) "what can I do with out you?" c ) "I can't live without you." d ) " I love you so much, you are my life, you mean everything to me" Etc. And also some negative words but I will not mention them because we are looking at only positive words here. So it is my wish that you find this article useful because it is based on personal and borrowed experiences. Which will help you to overcome your relationship issues. Now for those who have ...
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