Does the Neck Really Controls the Head?

You said a man is the head while a woman is the neck!
Therefore, the neck turns the head anywhere it pleases? 
I disagree with this statement!

Let both sexes know these;

1) Jesus according to saint Paul is the head while we Christians are members of his body, if some of us happened to be his neck does it mean we turn him where ever we choose? Some will say yes with the answer "he does whatever they asks" while others will say no with the answer "he is not under their authority"

2) The head is the one that controls the neck and the whole body. If any part of the head(brain) has fault remember it affects the part that its connected to, for instance, if the leg paralysis it mean one part of the head has fault.

3) The creation story in the book of Genesis said a woman was made with a man's rib this means that a man and a woman is one when they marry, which means you have to look for your rib or host. 

4) If a man beats his wife with out caring about it, please know that she simply belongs to another man! She is not his rib. If a woman does the same or misbehaves, the man is not her host.

5) If they belongs to each other they will always do what pleases each other. According to saint Paul in the book of Corinthians, a man sees a woman as his body part and so takes care of her. And the woman is submissive to him. If the opposite is the case, they don't belong to each other.

6) Men and women and people generally are not equal, even from the bible! Each of them has their important roles to play in our society. So play yours well.

Finally don't be deceived, read it again to understand or contact me.


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