
Showing posts from 2018

ALAIN JOE - Ring the Bell (Official Video)

#beautiful #nature @ isalainjoe #music #help #support my music. #love


POISON FOR HUSBAND Last month my neighbor went to complain to her mother! *Daughter:* Mom, I can not stand my husband. I want to kill him but I don't have the courage to do it, Can you help me?please! *Mother:* Yes my daughter, I can. But there is a small problem. You will be forced to make peace with him first so that none will suspect you for his death. You are going to be so much good and kind to him, take care of him. Be romantic, grateful, patient, loving, submissive to him. See him as your kid not your mate or subject... be less selfish, more just, more listening to him, take all the rubbish from him, don't nag or criticize him. My daughter, I know you can do it, so don't doubt yourself. Work starts this evening. Can you? *Daughter:* Yes mom. *Mother:* OK, it's .... Well take this white powder which is the substance to kill him. Every day, you'll pour a bit in his food and he will die slowly. *After 30 days, daughter returned to ...


*BLISSFUL HOME TONIC FOR A HAPPY MARRIED LIFE* Copied! *Secret 1* Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his strength. *Secret 2* Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married stop digging into someone's past. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future. *Secret 3* Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges. Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow *For better for worse*. In sickness and in health be there. *Secret 4* Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. We can nev...


The holy Bible make us to have different believes and faith. The only thing that units us is the love for God and our neighbors as Jesus said. So any religion with out love for others have not obeyed Jesus Christ.

Wedding Day, Who Would You Blame?

Wedding Day, Who Would You Blame? What Will You do if Your Wife and Mother Fight on Your Wedding Day? The bride dressed charmingly, The groom handsomely dressed, You can't know him or her completely Even when you start living together! On that lovely wedding day, All the guests were seated All dressed beautifully in Different colors. The wedding party began with joy , all eating and drinking Then there was food shortage from one end! From the groom's mother end, She went to you and your wife's end And was told, no food! She said why? But you have food!  And the Caterer said; the bride asked us to keep it for her guests. OK, as she went away. She returned again, please I have just 2 people left, You have to give me some food The Caterer don't want to disrespect your mother And so served her the 2 plates, As they were going to serve it, Your wife left you and went to them! Caterer, why did you disobey me? He expla...

Does the Neck Really Controls the Head?

You said a man is the head while a woman is the neck! Therefore, the neck turns the head anywhere it pleases?  I disagree with this statement! Let both sexes know these; 1) Jesus according to saint Paul is the head while we Christians are members of his body, if some of us happened to be his neck does it mean we turn him where ever we choose? Some will say yes with the answer "he does whatever they asks" while others will say no with the answer "he is not under their authority" 2) The head is the one that controls the neck and the whole body. If any part of the head(brain) has fault remember it affects the part that its connected to, for instance, if the leg paralysis it mean one part of the head has fault. 3) The creation story in the book of Genesis said a woman was made with a man's rib this means that a man and a woman is one when they marry, which means you have to look for your rib or host.  4) If a man beats his wife with out ...

Considering an Advice

An advice is something good that every one, especially from relatives and those who had experienced or knew from others what you are about to experience and wanted you to be careful or think about it before making that wonderful decision. However, when an advice is given to you, it is now left for you to either accept it or not. Note this: When an advice is being giving by many, especially those who are very close to you, it's time for you to rethink of the plans or the decisions you are about to take. Otherwise you should be ready to face any challenge when you did not take the advice or even when you did. Finally pray and watch the signs then make your decision. And is not good to stay in between for too long. Don't forget to contact me or ask any question.


TIPS FOR CHANGING ANYTHING IN ONE'S LIFE a) Change does not come easy is with gradual process b) Persevere & struggle 2 make it happen, don't run from challenges c) Seek advice ask questions d) Let your daily activity link you 2 d change you want 2 make e) Pray meditate fast f) it may not come completely but congratulate yourself 4 the 95% changes in your life. (Types of changes; laziness, lies, un-forgiveness, adultery, stealing, worries, negative thinking, corruption, cheating, sin-unrepentant, unhelpful, treating people unequal, etc.)

My Story in a Nutshell - Alain Joe

My story in a nutshell Birth Name: Alex Dagbemabou Agbannon best known as Alain Joe is a Beninese Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B singer songwriter. He sings in Yoruba, English and Fun/Gun his local dialect. Social media handle: @isalainjoe Background: He is 7th of 8 children, born in 1985 January 1 in Dassekomey Ouedo, Abomey Calavi (Atlantique) Benin Republic, where he use to be a farmer, dancer, footballer and a mill apprentice. his late father Honfo Hounye Agbannon was a farmer and a hunter who also lived in Nigeria in the 60s and mother Yeyinou Agbannon is a trader. Early Life and Experiences: He grew up in Lagos Nigeria where he has been since 1994 after a decision to leave Benin for Nigeria which his parents frowned at but later granted it after much pressure. At age 9 he worked with a family in Ago Okota and Isolo Lagos, where he hawked moi-moi, eko, rice and eba for two years. He also worked with other families as a house help in 1997 to ...


COMPLETE DECISION MAKING   WOMEN SHOULD BE INVOLVED A man plus a woman equal a complete human! because a woman was taking from or she is made of man's ribs. Gen. Ch. 2: 18-24. A man need his rib or woman back while a woman want her host or man back for a sound and a healthy life style. Therefore decisions made in the past with out both present, especially the woman was incomplete! Let both men and women start taking decisions together, I'm very certain that the world would be a greater and a better place. " I have hear some men said "making plans and decision with my wife had really improved my life and family." You can also see the decision taken by Eve in the garden alone was also incomplete or a disaster. Gen. Ch. 3: 1-13 . Also when both man and woman have the same interest the decision is complete. But they have to look at the value of it, if its a wrong or a right decision. And if they have different interests, it becomes incomplete...


 THIS IS HOW GODLY CHRISTIANS CAN CONVERT THE WORLD How come the world is still not a better place? if there are Christians and believers in God?. Let's say there are 10 people in the world, out of the 10 we have 2 to be Godly/Christians. Take 2 out of 10 you have 8 left.  The 2 are suppose to convert 2 more. Hence 2 and 2 equals 4 Godly/Christian people out of 10. Now if the 4 remained faithful we will have 6 worldly people.  let's say the 2 new converts bear fruit and win 2 more souls, it becomes 4 and 2 which equals 6. Therefore, if Godly/Christians continues the convert and remains faithful we will surely have all the 10 people to be Godly/Christians. But you and I knows this is not so! Because the devil has his own souls too. Hence if there are 4 Godly/Christians and 6 worldly people, the world cannot be a better place. Does it also mean that the 4 are lazy or are hypocrites? Therefore if the world must be a better plac...