

TIPS FOR CHANGING ANYTHING IN ONE'S LIFE a) Change does not come easy is with gradual process b) Persevere & struggle 2 make it happen, don't run from challenges c) Seek advice ask questions d) Let your daily activity link you 2 d change you want 2 make e) Pray meditate fast f) it may not come completely but congratulate yourself 4 the 95% changes in your life. (Types of changes; laziness, lies, un-forgiveness, adultery, stealing, worries, negative thinking, corruption, cheating, sin-unrepentant, unhelpful, treating people unequal, etc.)

My Story in a Nutshell - Alain Joe

My story in a nutshell Birth Name: Alex Dagbemabou Agbannon best known as Alain Joe is a Beninese Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B singer songwriter. He sings in Yoruba, English and Fun/Gun his local dialect. Social media handle: @isalainjoe Background: He is 7th of 8 children, born in 1985 January 1 in Dassekomey Ouedo, Abomey Calavi (Atlantique) Benin Republic, where he use to be a farmer, dancer, footballer and a mill apprentice. his late father Honfo Hounye Agbannon was a farmer and a hunter who also lived in Nigeria in the 60s and mother Yeyinou Agbannon is a trader. Early Life and Experiences: He grew up in Lagos Nigeria where he has been since 1994 after a decision to leave Benin for Nigeria which his parents frowned at but later granted it after much pressure. At age 9 he worked with a family in Ago Okota and Isolo Lagos, where he hawked moi-moi, eko, rice and eba for two years. He also worked with other families as a house help in 1997 to ...


COMPLETE DECISION MAKING   WOMEN SHOULD BE INVOLVED A man plus a woman equal a complete human! because a woman was taking from or she is made of man's ribs. Gen. Ch. 2: 18-24. A man need his rib or woman back while a woman want her host or man back for a sound and a healthy life style. Therefore decisions made in the past with out both present, especially the woman was incomplete! Let both men and women start taking decisions together, I'm very certain that the world would be a greater and a better place. " I have hear some men said "making plans and decision with my wife had really improved my life and family." You can also see the decision taken by Eve in the garden alone was also incomplete or a disaster. Gen. Ch. 3: 1-13 . Also when both man and woman have the same interest the decision is complete. But they have to look at the value of it, if its a wrong or a right decision. And if they have different interests, it becomes incomplete...


 THIS IS HOW GODLY CHRISTIANS CAN CONVERT THE WORLD How come the world is still not a better place? if there are Christians and believers in God?. Let's say there are 10 people in the world, out of the 10 we have 2 to be Godly/Christians. Take 2 out of 10 you have 8 left.  The 2 are suppose to convert 2 more. Hence 2 and 2 equals 4 Godly/Christian people out of 10. Now if the 4 remained faithful we will have 6 worldly people.  let's say the 2 new converts bear fruit and win 2 more souls, it becomes 4 and 2 which equals 6. Therefore, if Godly/Christians continues the convert and remains faithful we will surely have all the 10 people to be Godly/Christians. But you and I knows this is not so! Because the devil has his own souls too. Hence if there are 4 Godly/Christians and 6 worldly people, the world cannot be a better place. Does it also mean that the 4 are lazy or are hypocrites? Therefore if the world must be a better plac...


MARRIAGE, RELATIONSHIP AND PEACE OF MIND . Relationship is something everyone loves to have. A woman and a man wants to be loved and be cared for. According to Don Williams; "what makes a person Happy is who you love and who loves you...Not wealth or status" when a man and a woman founds and loves each other, this brings real happiness and peace of mind. Many people can testify to this. Because I have heard positive words like; a ) "love is sweet with the right person" b ) "what can I do with out you?" c ) "I can't live without you." d ) " I love you so much, you are my life, you mean everything to me" Etc.  And also some negative words but I will not mention them because we are looking at only positive words here. So it is my wish that you find this article useful because it is based on personal and borrowed experiences. Which will help you to overcome your relationship issues. Now for those who have ...

Mysteries Of Life!

Mysteries Of Life! Some times we want to meet the most loyal person, when we finally meets he/she we love it. As time goes on we complain he/she is too loyal! Some persons like to meet the best lier for some reason or purpose. After meeting him/her they love it. After a while they complain and become afraid of him/her! ... Others like to meet the wisest, the most foolish, bravest, weakest, etc of persons. As soon as they enjoy meeting them after a while they will complain! Why do you want an obedient person after a while you complain that he/she is too obe...? Or why do you show someone much love but he/she is busy loving someone else who can't love them back! Or he/she shows you much love but you are busy loving someone who does not even think about you! Mysteries right? One is either too good or too bad, tallest or shortest, yet we have one that is neither any of the above! Mysteries?


Put your foot in others persons' shoe before you judge! Is better you do not judge at all.