
Showing posts from August, 2018


TIPS FOR CHANGING ANYTHING IN ONE'S LIFE a) Change does not come easy is with gradual process b) Persevere & struggle 2 make it happen, don't run from challenges c) Seek advice ask questions d) Let your daily activity link you 2 d change you want 2 make e) Pray meditate fast f) it may not come completely but congratulate yourself 4 the 95% changes in your life. (Types of changes; laziness, lies, un-forgiveness, adultery, stealing, worries, negative thinking, corruption, cheating, sin-unrepentant, unhelpful, treating people unequal, etc.)

My Story in a Nutshell - Alain Joe

My story in a nutshell Birth Name: Alex Dagbemabou Agbannon best known as Alain Joe is a Beninese Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B singer songwriter. He sings in Yoruba, English and Fun/Gun his local dialect. Social media handle: @isalainjoe Background: He is 7th of 8 children, born in 1985 January 1 in Dassekomey Ouedo, Abomey Calavi (Atlantique) Benin Republic, where he use to be a farmer, dancer, footballer and a mill apprentice. his late father Honfo Hounye Agbannon was a farmer and a hunter who also lived in Nigeria in the 60s and mother Yeyinou Agbannon is a trader. Early Life and Experiences: He grew up in Lagos Nigeria where he has been since 1994 after a decision to leave Benin for Nigeria which his parents frowned at but later granted it after much pressure. At age 9 he worked with a family in Ago Okota and Isolo Lagos, where he hawked moi-moi, eko, rice and eba for two years. He also worked with other families as a house help in 1997 to ...